Thank you very much for paying your balance in full, we will really appreciate you choosing Sally Narrowboats to take your holiday with.
You will shortly receive an email acknowledgment from confirming your payment in full.
If you haven’t already done so, please look at your original booking confirmation which has useful information in regards to your holiday and a link to a very useful boating video from the Canal and River Trust.
If you do not hear from us within 2 working days we suggest you drop us an email, or telephone, to check. Sometimes email addresses are wrong. If the first email does not appear within an hour or two (it’s sent instantly but may get hung up on servers), please ask your spam filter to accept messages from
If you have Google mail (gmail) your filter may exclude messages from our system. We suggest you temporarily disable it.
For terms and conditions, see Boat Hire Conditions.
Thanks again, and we look forward to welcoming you here at Sally Narrowboats and we will do everything we can to make your holiday a great success.
Now check your emails!
Yours sincerely
The bookings team!